Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

It’s not okay to be dishonest with yourself about where you’re headed. Fear itself is a scientific, physical occurrence in the body. It’s not just a “mind game” or a sign of weakness.

What’s included

And one of those treatments is to simply (or not so simply) avoid consuming alcohol or whatever substance is the object of the addiction. And in case it wasn’t already obvious, the only way to get to long-term sobriety is to first achieve short-term sobriety. Warren is a Licensed Master Social Worker, who specializes in substance abuse and mental health treatment. Clinically, Warren has developed a therapeutic skillset that utilizes a strengths-based perspective, Twelve Step philosophies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing. 89% of people who complete alcohol treatment stay sober for the first month after rehab, with a success rate of 68% for those entering detox beforehand. The symptoms of acute withdrawal can be intense and overwhelming, making it a challenge to stay motivated to remain sober.

Fear is the biggest barrier to change, even if that change is for the better and will improve our lives.

It’s often a tremendous relief for people to discover that their deepest, darkest secrets are not that uncommon and they no longer have to feel ashamed. Now that you can recognize this fear, the question is, how do you get through it? When you are feeling those emotional and ups and downs, how do you pull together the pieces and stick to the path towards recovery? Our team can help you determine if your addiction treatment at Evoke Wellness could be at little to no-cost to you. Complete the form below and we will complete your insurance verification and get back with you shortly.

Six Easy Ways to Eat Healthier for Addiction Recovery

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

You make it up to everyone you ever hurt by never being that person again. Being at a party or trying to find the perfect romantic partner without alcohol is the stuff of nightmares for many people. Even people for whom alcohol is not a problem experience this.

After you have been through treatment and are in recovery, you may realize that they were not really your friends anyway. True friends do not enable each other to poison their existence in an endless cycle of drinking and drugs. You will be making new friends in treatment and recovery, as well as through your support group meetings and new activities you will now start to enjoy. When you used drugs and alcohol, you probably worried that once you were clean and sober, you would not have any friends.

Or even that nobody will like them or find them funny once the booze and powders are gone. Addicts and alcoholics will usually admit that the substances made them feel more comfortable around people. This may be the perception but it doesn’t make it fact. Very much of the time when we’re getting loaded we see things in a different light than somebody with a clearer mind. Sometimes we think we’re the life of the party when really we’re just being loud and obnoxious.

They Don’t Think it’s For Them

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

For example, severe alcohol withdrawal can be deadly without medical treatment. But even if it’s not medically necessary, it can make a difference on getting you through the detox successfully. In a medical detox, a specialized drug team will be with you all of the way. They will provide you with round-the-clock care and supervision, ensuring that your physical and mental health is in good shape. Also, your treatment center’s team will be able to provide you with the most effective medication to help you manage your withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be intense, but with the right kind of treatment, you will find it much more manageable to deal with withdrawals than you imagined.

Sobriety Fear #4: You’ll actually succeed.

Recover from addiction at home with medication, community, and support—from the nonjudmental experts who really care. Fear is the biggest barrier to change, even if that change is for the better and will improve our lives. There is no doubt that getting sober is a daunting prospect — it’s terrifying.

Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober

Many people struggling with addiction want to get sober, but share common fears about what sobriety entails. Let us take this opportunity to refute these fears and show you why getting sober is better than you realised. Even after being in recovery for a while, you may not be delighted with fear of being sober the changes you have made.4 In fact you may realize you don’t like being sober. For with changes comes adjustments, which can be challenging. So it may take some time before you truly feel content in your new life. But the following insights may ease your journey and improve your outlook.

What is the hardest thing about sobriety?

Take a look at our state of the art treatment center. Remember, you can get sober and you can stay clean, even if you happen to fall off the path. Here are a few quick tips to help you stay on the road toward long-term sobriety. As with the triggers, these are merely a few of the potential warning signs that you are heading towards a relapse, so make sure to do some self-reflection and uncover what yours might be. Eventually, a person often recognizes that they are losing control of their sobriety, which only drives them toward substance use.

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